Street Fair Day Street Closures
The Halloween festival includes the closing of Washington St, Audubon Rd, and Bonna Ave to allow for the street fair to take place. Street closing and traffic restrictions will be in effect October 26th, 2024 from 4am until 7pm. During this time, we are asking residents affected by the closures to alter their normal access and parking routine as follows:​​
Prohibited Street parking: There are several areas where parking will be prohibited during the closure period. Vehicles parked in restricted areas during the street fair will be moved, by Last Chance Wrecker, to the SNIPS parking lot free of charge (5731 E. Washington). Vehicles that have been moved can be retrieved at any time. Restricted areas include:
Starbucks parking lot
Huntington Bank Parking lot
Irvington Library Parking Lot
Street parking along Audubon from Irvington United Methodist Church to Irving Circle (100N through 200S)
Street parking along Bonna between Ritter Ave. and Audubon (5500-5700E)
Strangebird's Parking lot
Street parking on Hibben from 5700-5750E,
Please note that a Right of Way permit has been obtained from the Indianapolis office of Code Enforcement. Any vehicle requiring removal from any street fair restricted parking areas for a second time will be impounded by IMPD.​
Residents South of Washington
Leaving the Festival Area:
Please proceed to Julian Ave. and address the officer manning the intersection. Inform them you are a resident and wish to exit the festival area. They will stop vehicle/pedestrian traffic to allow you to pass. All roads along Julian between Audubon and Arlington are closed or are dead-ends. Not all intersections along the closure will be manned by an officer, so we ask that you remain aware of pedestrian traffic.
Returning to the closure area:
Proceed to Julian and Ritter and follow Julian Eastward to Audubon. Address the officer manning intersections. Inform them you are a resident and they will allow you to pass. They will stop vehicle/pedestrian traffic to allow you to pass.
Additional road closures for Vampire Run:
Between 7am and 10:30am, additional streets South of Washington Street will be temporary closed due to the Vampire Run 5k. Please find more specific information here.​
Residents and Businesses on Washington between Arlington and 5700 E Washington:
You an access their home/business by approaching the officer at the Arlington/Washington closure and stating that they are a resident/business or employee/business customer. The officer will allow you to pass. Property owners are encouraged to inform their tenants of this access during the street fair so they may come and go as they please. Businesses are advised to inform their customer base via web/print media that they are welcome to patronize your establishment during the event. We ask that you, your tenants and your customers exit the area via the Washington/Arlington closure when leaving. They are welcome and encouraged to visit your business during the Street Fair.
A note about safety: As there will be significant pedestrian traffic, we ask that you keep vehicular traffic to a minimum for safety. We understand that some residents invite friends and family to park on their property for festival access, and we applaud your community spirit. These visitors should inform any officer manning an intersection and they will also be allowed to pass.
The Planning Committee for the Irvington Halloween Festival and the Historic Irvington Community Council would like to express their appreciation for your cooperation during this year’s festival. We realize this event can cause inconvenience to residents and we want to thank you for helping us continue this Irvington neighborhood tradition.
Street Closure Map